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So far Spenser Dougley has created 146 blog entries.

Pregnancy and Motherhood – Part 1 – Infertility

  Pregnancy/Motherhood – Five-Part Series   The road to, through, and during motherhood is enshrined with so many conflicting emotions. Often women do not feel comfortable admitting to, or even openly expressing, the extreme emotions which surface. As women fall into the expectations of society, family, and friends, most do not recognize their experiences create a significant change, and therefore a need to grieve.   Without realizing they are grieving; women do what they are taught. They distract themselves and push their emotions down, tucking them away and out of sight. Infertility, miscarriages, surrogacy, full term pregnancies, and even empty nesting all have the ability to produce unresolved emotions. Without permission or the tools to processes these emotions, women can feel trapped, within the massive changes and disappointments.   In this five-part series we will explore each of the above topics separately, discovering the unique emotional challenges of each and the importance of openly, and honestly, expressing these emotions. --- --- --- Part One: Infertility   Grief has many definitions, each as unique as the person experiencing them. Infertility is new territory for many. It is an emotional journey, encompassing a roller coaster of emotions. Driving this experience are the conflicting feelings of what we wished was different (“Why can’t I get pregnant?”) and the disappointing feeling that our body has let us down (“Was it something I did?”).   When we begin to plan for our first baby we have hopes, dreams, and expectations. Women are excited to move into the next stage of their lives, doing something which seems so natural. However, when these dreams do not happen, there can be a loss of hope and worry that the journey may never be successful.   Next comes the time commitment, the financial commitment, and the preparatory drugs which can change the way a women feels about herself. These are all changes, and challenges, which bring their own emotional charge. As a woman’s moods shift, so does the financial burden of following a dream which has no guarantee and often seems like there is no end in sight.   Finally, there are the unsaid communications. Perhaps the things women want to say to themselves, their partners, their friends, or their family. They may feel they must be strong for those around them or that others simply won’t understand if they do find the courage to say aloud how they are feeling.   Well-meaning people want to share their stories of infertility. They may think they are offering support when in fact they are taking away a woman’s safe place to share, without judgement or analysis, how she is feeling. Women don’t want to be fixed. They simply want someone who will hold space and listen. Someone who will provide a calm in their storm; where, for a few moments, they can find comfort.   Learning how to navigate this terrain means women must move from their heads to their hearts. They must move away from trying to understand their [...]

Pregnancy and Motherhood – Part 1 – Infertility2022-09-26T19:38:16+00:00

EMDR: An Introduction

What is EMDR? Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a powerful psychotherapeutic approach originated and developed by Dr. Francine Shapiro in 1987. It is a systematic approach involving dual attention stimuli, such as eye- movements, tapping or sounds, administered while a client focuses on disturbing memories, anxiety, psychological and somatic symptoms. EMDR Therapy seems to facilitate the natural processing abilities of the brain and nervous system. An individual's normal healing abilities are activated and one's body-mind balance is supported in its inner capacity to mend. What does EMDR help? EMDR therapy is effective in treating individuals who have experienced psychological difficulties arising from traumatic experiences, such as assault, motor vehicle accidents, war trauma, torture, natural or disasters, sexual abuse and childhood neglect. EMDR Therapy is also increasingly used to treat complaints that are not necessarily trauma- related, such as panic disorder, phobias, performance anxiety, self-esteem issues and other anxiety-related disorders. Who is EMDR for? EMDR therapy is not for everyone. Clients must be stable and able to maintain dual awareness during processing of material. Furthermore, clients outside of the “window of tolerance” of arousal require more preparation prior to commencing the Standard EMDR Therapy protocol. Your EMDR therapist will help you determine if you are a good candidate for EMDR therapy at this time. What does an EMDR session look like? EMDR therapy is a different way of doing things. It uses scripts and follows a process. There is not a lot of talking during an EMDR session, as the client is moving through their own adaptive information processing guided by the therapist. For some clients, this is uncomfortable at first, especially for those who are used to standard talk therapy approaches. Trusting the process is part of being open to EMDR therapy. How many appointments do I need? EMDR therapy requires a time commitment. Initial sessions are booked closer together, as the groundwork is laid for the client to process the disturbing target memories and build new adaptive neural networks. Clients and clinicians need to be able to prioritize sessions in order to move through the work in a way that promotes optimal healing. Too much time in between sessions interrupts this process and limits treatment effects. As for how many sessions are required, a general plan will be made with your therapist before beginning EMDR, but no two people are the same, and the time needed for EMDR can vary greatly depending on the client and their needs. If you have questions about EMDR and if it is the right fit for you, feel free to reach out to us at 519.302.2300 or email reception@brantmentalhealth.com to set up a free 15 minute consultation with one of our EMDR trained therapists.

EMDR: An Introduction2022-09-14T17:33:42+00:00

Parenting Your Child With Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

  Parenting is one of the most rewarding and challenging roles we can play in the lives of our children. Seldom do we feel prepared for all that parenting brings, especially when our child is facing challenges. Many parents and caregivers experience a wide range of emotions when they learn their child has an ASD diagnosis, and it is not uncommon to experience feelings of fear, anger, grief, worry and helplessness, to name a few. Instead of thinking of ASD as a disorder, it may be more helpful to think of it as a different way of thinking, being and experiencing.  Having a positive mindset may help you as a parent to feel more hopeful and empowered as you support your child’s unique life journey. The following are some helpful strategies to consider when parenting your child with autism. What is Autism? Autism is a developmental disorder that is part of the autism spectrum and is often referred to as “ASD” or Autism Spectrum Disorder. While the experience of ASD is different for every child, some of the hallmarks include social impairment, non-verbal and verbal communication difficulties, and repetitive behaviours. Helpful Parenting Strategies: Learn about ASD- Knowledge is power. Learning about Autism and how it shows up for your child in different situations and people will help you plan and prepare for supporting your child throughout each developmental stage.  Keep the following in mind: -What triggers challenging behaviour? -What elicits a positive response? -Why are transitions so hard? -What does your child find soothing? Knowing these things will help you to troubleshoot problems and prevent situations from developing. Be sure to seek reliable sources of information and professionals who can give you sound advice and support. Being open to learning from others who have experience with children and youth with ASD can be helpful- experience is an amazing teacher. Love and accept your child for who they are. The most critical thing that parents can offer their children is unconditional love and acceptance. See your child first, and the ASD second. Prize your child for who they are right now. Avoid comparing your child to other children the same age and instead embrace your child’s uniqueness. Celebrate each new achievement, new skill, when your child overcomes a fear and is willing to try new foods and new tasks. This will help you to shift from a deficit lens to a strength-based approach. Take parenting one day at a time, sometimes, one moment at a time. Be patient with them, and with yourself. Become an expert on your child and focus on positives. Discover your child’s strengths, interests, and affinities and build on those. Praise your child for positive behaviours, be specific about what you liked about their behaviour and reward them with things such as attention, time and play. Embrace the notion that all behaviour is communication. Learn about what triggers meltdowns and what causes stress for your child, and where you can, adjust the environment to reduce challenging behaviours [...]

Parenting Your Child With Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)2022-09-07T19:08:50+00:00

Tips For Transitioning To College or University

    Understand that it’s okay to feel homesick Moving away from home is a major life change and the change in environment and lifestyle is very much like “culture shock”. Don’t be hard on yourself if you find it difficult to adjust. Take your time. Student residences often have RAs (Residential Advisors) that can support students with this transition. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.   Find out what supports are available on campus Become familiar with these support services on offer. There are often walk-in clinics for physical medical issues, counselling services, accommodation services for those with developmental differences, career coaching staff etc. Access these services as needed. That is what they are there for!   Take your time to figure things out Moving away from home is not the only major life decision that often comes with transitioning to college or university. There are also decisions to be made about what to major in, what courses to take, what student organizations to participate in and making friendships that align with your personality and goals. Take your time with these decisions and rely on support services offered on campus to help you make these decisions. It will take time to adjust. Allow yourself that time.   Find things to do outside of the classroom Look into activities and organizations that you can participate in outside of the classroom. This will help with the transition, especially from a social perspective, but may also look great as eventual additions to a resume.   Take care of your health Be sure to get enough sleep, stay active and focus on eating nutritiously as well. These are two key factors that will make the transition easier, especially in regards to your mental health. Our brain and our body are so interconnected that neglecting care for one can have a significant impact on the other as well!   Focus on time management for planning and organization Make good use of your time through planning and other techniques to stay organized. Some examples of these techniques may include: The Pomodoro Technique: google this for further information. Planning to do the most important tasks during a time of day when you know you are generally at your peak performance Make To Do lists to stay organized, but also make them manageable so that you don’t become overwhelmed. Change up your study environment and choose places that you know are conducive to helping you study. For some, this may be the library, for others this may be the grassy knoll in the middle of campus. Practice and learn to have an awareness of what does and does not work well for you.   Connect with family and friends Be sure to stay in touch with family and friends through email, phone calls, texts, social media and planned visits. Remaining connected to these positive relationships that you have already established will make the transition easier. On the same note, try to establish new connections and friendships, [...]

Tips For Transitioning To College or University2022-09-07T15:30:31+00:00

Tips to Support the Transition Back to School

  Returning to school for many children, youth and families is an exciting time filled with mixed emotions. Whilst a new school year offers opportunities to build new relationships and provide new experiences, it also can mean uncertainty and anxiety about how things will unfold. The best thing you can do to prepare for September is to get ready to embrace the return to school with hope and optimism, while being prepared to face challenges and solve problems together as you journey throughout the year. The following are some tips to help support your child’s transition back to school, no matter the age.   Re-establish Routines. Getting back into a routine is a common challenge as students head back to school at every stage. Take the time to reset sleep and waking schedules as well as mealtimes. Establishing consistent routines is ideal for all family members, where possible. Flexibility is also important with older youth, especially if they are working part time as well. Talk about other ground rules you want to have in place as a family to support work/life/school balance and good physical and mental health. For example, discuss and establish habits around chores, eating, screen time, homework, family time and when friends visit. This will help set expectations and avoid conflicts. Where you can, co-create the expectations so that your child feels included and respected. Create visual charts of morning routines to help younger children.   Have conversations about school. One of the most powerful ways you can support your child through the process of returning to school is to talk about it, and trying to understand how they are feeling about it. Find the right time to ask them questions to get a sense of what’s on their mind, including any concerns. Listen to what they are experiencing and give them space to talk. Spend more time trying to understand your child’s point of view by asking questions instead of falling into the trap of only giving advice. For many children and youth, the more opportunities they have to be heard, the more likely they will feel comfortable to open up and talk. Here are some examples of conversation starters: “Who are you looking forward to connecting with this year?” “What is one thing you are hoping to do this school year? “How are you feeling about this school year? What is one thing you are excited about?” “Is there anything you're a bit worried about? How can I help? Validate Emotions Validate your child’s experience by letting them know whatever they are feeling is ok and reassure them by letting them know you are going to get through this together. Normalize fears as a response to the uncertainty of the new school year and let them know that their feelings are common. Ask your child how you can work together to make this a positive school year. Make a list of things that they are looking forward to, and things they enjoy about school. “I [...]

Tips to Support the Transition Back to School2022-08-25T19:42:55+00:00

A Therapeutic Approach To PTSD

Post-traumatic stress disorder, or otherwise known as PTSD, can affect anyone who has survived a traumatic experience. The symptoms can vary on a person to person basis but some of the most reported symptoms are:   Flashbacks Intrusive thoughts or images Nightmares Feeling like nowhere is safe Feeling as if you cannot trust anyone Avoiding feeling or talking about the experience   When the topic of PTSD arises, it’s typically war veterans that people think of. Although they do struggle and experience this at very high rates, other incidents can cause PTSD. Individuals who experience a car accident, being bullied or assaulted, or even surviving a natural disaster can experience symptoms of PTSD.  A diagnosis of Complex PTSD may be given when the trauma takes place early in life or if it took place over an extended period of time. C-PTSD can have similar symptoms as PTSD however it can also include:   Regular feelings of suicide Difficulty controlling emotions Physical symptoms like headaches, dizziness, and chest pains Feelings of isolation and detach from society   There are many ways to go about treating PTSD including (but definitely not limited to) talk therapy, EMDR, and equine assisted learning. When an individual participates in equine assisted learning (EAL), they are given the opportunity to learn about themselves, their emotions, and work through strong feelings and intrusive thoughts. This is done by pairing individuals with horses to work through a series of activities and conversation prompts. Working with horses can open the door to self-reflection and personal development while maintaining a recovery-focused and forward thinking mindset at the forefront. Because horses are prey animals, they scan their surroundings and reflect their findings. They almost act like a mirror into our emotions. They can sense an increase in heart rate, when the warmth in your body migrates, or if you fidget. These are all symptoms that give the horses insight as to what emotions you’re experiencing and then we receive the non-judgemental and genuine feedback from the animals.  It gives individuals with PTSD and C-PTSD a break from ruminating on the past and reliving their experiences and puts them in a position to make changes to improve their present and future self.

A Therapeutic Approach To PTSD2022-07-27T17:35:15+00:00

Friendship Day

            International Day of Friendship was designated by the United Nations General Assembly (U.N.). On July 30, we acknowledge and give gratitude for these relationships worldwide, as they promote and encourage peace, happiness, and unity. Healthy Friendships We know from our lived experiences that friends can play a significant role in promoting our mental and physical health and well being. For children and adolescents, friendships can provide opportunities for developing a sense of identity, learning social skills and exploring interests. For adults, having positive social relationships can help to alleviate stress, boost happiness, and support us when we are managing challenging life experiences. Research confirms that healthy social connections reduces risks of many mental and physical health problems, including depression and high blood pressure, and can lead to extended life expectancy. Qualities of a Healthy Friendship: What are They? Consider the people who you would count as your friends, and also think about yourself as you review the following ten qualities of a healthy friendship. Are there areas that you can improve? Nurturing friendships is as important as nurturing family relationships if you want them to be strong and healthy. Respect and Trust: feeling respected for who you are and knowing that you can trust your friend are important foundational qualities of a healthy friendship. Being able to disagree at times while maintaining both your self respect and respect for your friend helps to build strength and openness in the relationship. Talking and Listening: sharing thoughts and feelings, taking the time to listen without judgement helps to build intimacy in a friendship. Ideally there is a give and take in the exchanging of communication and reaching out to one another to connect. Listening without giving advice unless asked to do so is a way to offer unconditional support. Safety: physical, psychological and emotional safety are important for any healthy relationship. Fear of being harmed is not part of a healthy friendship or relationship. Boundaries: Respect each other’s boundaries, including keeping confidential information private, are ways to create safety and deepen friendship over time. Non-Judgement: a healthy friendship provides a space where you can be yourself without fear of criticism or rejection. While you may not agree with all of your friend’s choices, you can accept them for who they are and validate their lived experiences. Forgiveness: a healthy relationship is not a perfect one. The ability to acknowledge our mistakes, make amends and seek forgiveness in a relationship is part of what helps it to grow. Our ability to accept apologies from others and offer forgiveness is equally important. Kindness and Caring: showing kindness, thoughtfulness and offering gratitude toward our friends brings joy and strengthens the bond. Simple gestures and sharing words of appreciation for the friendship are meaningful ways we can show we care. Dependability: being your word and following through on commitments are important for a healthy friendship. When both people make time for the friendship it shows that it is valued. Fun: [...]

Friendship Day2022-07-26T18:36:17+00:00

Is Someone You Love Struggling with Addiction?

  Understanding Addiction: Addiction is a chronic disease. It alters both brain function and structure. The release of Dopamine interacts with Glutamate in the brain and hijacks its process of reward-related learning. This key system is responsible for sustaining life, as it links activities needed for human survival with reward and pleasure. Translation? Addiction can build pathways in the brain that link the addictive behaviour to a need for survival. Addiction is not only substance related. Addiction can also be linked to pleasurable activities such as gambling, sex and shopping for example.   Ways in which you can support a loved one struggling with addiction: Obtain your own support. Al-Anon and Nar-Anon are just two of several support groups available. This is especially important in terms of freeing yourself of blame and not taking it personally. There are several treatment options that can effectively treat addiction. Encourage your loved one to speak with their family doctor to access support. Do not criticize or threaten. You cannot force them to quit, but you can be a source of strength and positive encouragement. Expect setbacks. The road to recovery is not straight and flat. There will be difficulties and detours. As much as possible, establish trust and communicate effectively. https://www.verywellmind.com/how-to-talk-to-an-addict-22012 Educate yourself on addiction and if applicable what to expect with treatment. Know when to take a step back and let a crisis happen. Don’t enable their behaviour and do not tolerate unacceptable behaviour   Canada’s Opioid Crisis: In 2017, approx. 11 lives were lost per day due to opioid overdoses. 94% of these deaths happened by accident Naloxone is a fast-acting drug medicine that can restore breathing within 2-5 minutes and reverse the effect of an opioid overdose. You cannot use it incorrectly, as it only works if you have opioids in your system. It is safe for all ages and has no negative impact if given to a person who has not had an opioid overdose. You can get a Naloxone kit free of charge at most local pharmacies! See more information @ https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/opioids/naloxone.html   How can I get help? A simple solution would be to consult your family doctor. In addition, Connex Ontario is an online resource for mental health and addiction services all across Ontario. It is a helpful hub for supportive system navigation. https://www.connexontario.ca/all-mental-health-addiction-service-types  

Is Someone You Love Struggling with Addiction?2022-07-20T13:07:11+00:00

Checking in With Your Kids This Summer: How to Approach a Conversation about Mental Health

Many parents struggle with how to approach a conversation with their kids about mental health. It is not uncommon, as many of us as adults also struggle with how to talk about our mental health. The summer presents a perfect opportunity, when the rush of work, school and extra-curricular activities have slowed down, to spend quality time and check in with your kids. Tips for having these conversations: For little kids, making a connection to something familiar, for example, Winnie the Pooh, may help kids to develop an understanding. The character of Eeyore may be a great way for kids to relate to some of the symptoms of mental illness. Create a connection in the conversation to physical health. Kids understand the concept of not feeling well physically. Speaking about how mental illness affects the brain can help kids to make a physical connection they can better understand. Be sure to avoid pressuring them into a conversation. Letting them know that you are there for them and there to talk if they want to may help them to feel comfortable opening up when they are ready. Be sure to communicate to them that this is not their fault. Normalize the conversation. Using tough words like “depression” and “suicide”, (as age appropriate), shows comfort in talking about the subject.  It creates a safe space for your child to   Open up about their mental health. Be sure to make your child feel heard by validating their feelings, listening and paying careful attention to non-verbal cues like body language. Don’t hesitate to share your own personal experience (if applicable). This normalizes the conversation and communicates to your child that they are not alone. Things that are helpful to say: “Do you want to talk about it?”, “How can I help?”, “I’m here if you need me”, “I’m sorry that you are going through this”, “Are you looking for advice or would you rather I just listen?” Common misconceptions/mistakes to avoid: Don’t make assumptions because they “seem to be ok” or aren’t showing any signs or symptoms of struggling with their mental health. Kids, just like adults, can be very good at masking. Don’t overreact if your child opens up about feelings of suicide or self-injurious behaviour. Reassure them that you are glad that they felt safe sharing this with you and that you will find them help and be there for them along the way. Don’t take it personally. Sometimes depression can come out as anger or other emotions. Try to understand where emotional outbursts may be coming from. Be careful not to tell them more about mental illness than they are ready to hear. Things NOT to say: “it’s all in your head”, “snap out of it”, “things could be worse”, “get over it”, etc. This invalidates how they are feeling! Getting help: Access support services made for kids and teens that allow them to communicate by text, email, phone or in person, depending on their comfort level. https://kidshelpphone.ca/ Safety Planning [...]

Checking in With Your Kids This Summer: How to Approach a Conversation about Mental Health2022-07-06T19:44:44+00:00

Mental Health in The Workplace: What You Can do to Manage it and How to Help Co-workers Manage Their Mental Health Too

Mental health in the workplace has been a topic that, unfortunately until the second half of the 2000’s, was ‘swept under the rug’ as a non-issue or at least one that ‘could not’ and ‘should not’ be talked about. The majority in the workforce were of course comfortable telling a superior at work about medical and/or personal needs such as medical and dental appointments, physical injuries, physical health issues and time needed for bereavement, but any mental health struggles could not be revealed or made evident, sadly, for numerous reasons. These reasons, with some continuing today, include the stigma attached to mental health (I.e., being ‘mentally ill’ or ‘unstable’), being viewed as ‘weak,’ and/or being viewed as incapable of managing stress or the demands of one’s job. The good news is that many of those who were once in positions of leadership at companies and organizations, who were of what most consider an ‘old school mentality,’ are now entering retirement and those who have been raised in a world where increased education in, and understanding and acceptance of, mental health has taken place are now in positions of leadership. While Canadians become slowly and steadily more understanding and accepting of mental health in the workplace, below I explore the challenges many still encounter at the workplace and how you can help yourself and your co-workers manage their mental health at work too. 1) Communication with Co-Workers and Leadership As we go about our daily lives in today’s fast paced world and the demands it brings, we have become less skilled at what therapists and counsellors call ‘active listening.’  Active listening is a skill in which we listen fully and intentionally without thinking about what we are going to say next/going to respond with while the other person is talking. It is also paying attention to one’s body language, tone of voice and what the other person is trying to convey is key to understanding and providing support to a co-worker in need. This may sound easy enough, but it is actually a skill counsellors and therapists themselves are trained in and must learn to practice intentionally! Paraphrasing or ‘parroting’ what a struggling co-worker is saying to us is also a great skill to practice as, when we occasionally repeat back to someone a main point/concern they have expressed to us, it signals to that person that they are not only being heard, but truly cared for, supported, and understood. This is a key component in trust being built in the workplace and employees obtaining the help they may need regarding their mental health struggle(s) (E.g., stress, anxiety, workplace conflict, depression, etc.). Expressing empathy towards a co-worker who has opened up about their mental health is also a valuable tool in building trust and contributing to a workplace that is more open, supportive and accepting. Expressing empathy is perhaps the simplest, yet severely underestimated, act we can take to support co-workers who may be struggling. Showing true empathy is not showing [...]

Mental Health in The Workplace: What You Can do to Manage it and How to Help Co-workers Manage Their Mental Health Too2022-05-31T14:52:21+00:00