Progressive Muscle Relaxation: A Simple Guide
Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) is an effective tool where one learns how to relax their muscles via two easy to follow steps. The first step involves tensing a specific muscle group in your body, such as your neck and shoulder muscles. Following this, one releases this tension and mindfully observes how their muscles now feel, once relaxed. PMR helps reduce overall feelings of stress and tension and helps one feel more calm and relaxed when experiencing stressful times and anxious moments. PMR is also useful in helping lessen the effects of physical issues such as headaches, sleeplessness and stomach aches. Those of us who feel like we are ‘more stressed’ than others and/or experience high levels of daily anxiety become so tense, so often, that we almost forget what it is like to be fully relaxed and in a ‘calm’ state. In practicing PMR, one can learn to recognize the difference between what tensed muscle groups feel like and what a FULLY relaxed muscle group feels like. Once this takes place, most people find that they can easily employ this state of relaxation right when they begin to feel their muscles tensing in response to stress and anxiety. In tensing and releasing, one learns not only what TRUE relaxation feels like, but can also identify when they are beginning to feel tense, morning, day or night. A TIP! Schedule just 15 minutes a day to complete PMR Choose a quiet place to complete PMR where you won’t be interrupted Like learning anything new, PMR takes some practice. Even practicing just twice daily will help you become a ‘PMR Pro’ J … You’ll be able to signal the ‘relaxation mode’ to take effect when needed most! Remember, practice makes perfect! Practice PMR even when you aren’t feeling stressed or anxious J Preparing First, do your best to find a quiet space to sit. Close your eyes and feel your body ‘letting loose’… like your muscles are becoming ‘jelly.’ Sitting in a comfortable chair is recommended, but a couch or carpeted floor works just fine! If you don’t think you will fall asleep, you can also lay down when doing PMR. Please do whatever it is that makes you feel ‘generally’ relaxed (E.g. taking your shoes off, wearing a comfy sweater, etc.) before starting a PMR ‘session.’ Take 5 to 10 slow and deep breaths, sucking the air through your nose, deep down into your belly, then out. How To Perform PMR The Tension-Relaxation Approach FIRST STEP: TENSION The first step is applying muscle tension to a specific muscle group in the body. Remember, this step is basically the same step you will take for each muscle group you will be focusing on. First, place your attention on the specific muscle group, for example, your feet. Now, take a deep, slow breathe and tense the muscles as hard as possible for 5 seconds. When doing this, you want to squeeze your muscles in a way that [...]