Post Partum Depression
Becoming a new mother can be extremely daunting. Whether you are having your first or fourth child, it is natural to experience a certain level of anxiety at the prospect of adding a child to your family. This is true in “normal” circumstances, but with social distancing and isolation and new hospital procedures due to the COVID-19 pandemic, bringing a child into the world has been made all the more challenging and emotionally draining. For many new moms (the lucky ones!) they have a support system in place. Often this support system begins by having someone attend some or all of their scheduled Obstetric appointments in the lead up to the birth. Then, in having someone by their side through the delivery or C-Section and then the family and friends that come to visit in the hospital as mom recovers. Once the family leaves the hospital, many new families will have friends and loved ones bringing over meals, helping to clean the home while mom recovers, entertaining other children in the house and generally giving mom a much-needed break! With COVID-19, many new moms (and dads) are experiencing drastic changes to the way they bring their baby into the world. Birthing partners are not being allowed into the Operating Room for C-Sections and family and friends are not able to come and visit in the hospital or at home. This will inevitably take its toll on new moms and dads. As someone who has had three C-Sections, I can’t imagine not being able to have my partner in the Operating Room with me. I know this would have been upsetting for my husband as well, to miss the moment our children were born. What is concerning is that, although this new hospital policies and procedures are necessary in our fight against COVID-19, they are setting many more mothers up to experience dramatic shifts in their mood and wellbeing, as they adapt to these changes and experience the potential loneliness of this new “normal.” What should you be looking for? Whether you are a new mom yourself, or you are the husband/partner, family member or friend of a new mom, here are some things you should know; In general, within the first 3-4 days of giving birth, it is natural and common for moms to experience what is referred to as the “baby blues.” The Baby Blues include things like; being weepy, feeling irritable, feeling overwhelmed, feeling tired and experiencing changes in appetite (eating too much or too little.) For many moms, the baby blues will lift within a few days as your hormones settle and you adapt to the changes of having a new child to care for. If these symptoms don’t shift, and seem to last for weeks or months, this may be an indication that you are experiencing Post-partum depression. If crying has become a regular part of moms day and they are feeling sad, confused, scared, or even feeling numb, this is a sign of Post-partum [...]